Giving a Coupon Surfcorner Store is easy and fast, and if you're late with gifts is the perfect gift, because it will surely come in time for Christmas!
Choose the desired amount and indicate in the notes at the time of the order, the data of the person you want to give it away: email, first and last name and possibly a message you want to deliver.
Email will be sent to the recipient, who can now use his Voucher. The Voucher has no expiry date, can not be split and can be used to purchase any product published on the site The minimum amount is 10.00 EUR.
The Coupun Surfcorner Store does not expire, can not be split. If used only in part, the remaining part can not be reused and nothing will be due.
The Voucher Surfcorner Store is not transferable, can be used only on, can not be converted into cash.
In the case of purchases of total value higher than the voucher, you must pay the difference to the completion of the order, choosing a mode from those available.
The right of withdrawal does not apply to the purchase of the good.
The right of withdrawal is granted to the recipient of the gift certificate, if it falls within the legal deadline.
The Voucher Store Surfcorner can be combined with other vouchers.
The Coupon Surfcorner Store is emailed to the recipient of the good designated by the purchaser. The recipient must then have a valid email address and internet access.
In case of purchase of coupons by non-EU citizens entitled to Tax Free purchases, the real amount of the coupon will be the amount of the coupon without VAT, corresponding to the sum actually paid.